Trial Classes

Trial classes

Trial classes are a great way to find out if 'Nature Play with Vicky' is a good fit for you and your family! Families may try a class prior to enrolling by registering to attend an in-season class at a special trial rate of $10 per child or $15 per family. If you decide to join us in class after an in-season trial, class costs can be prorated according to the remaining number of classes in a season.

Pre-registration and payment of your registration fee is required for all trial classes and can be done by filling out the enrollment form below and following payment instructions at the end. All trial classes take place at Roger Williams Park, Providence, RI. The precise meeting spot within the grounds of the park is sent out in a pre-class email after enrolling.

Please note that only one trial class is available per family and registration should be completed at least 24 hours before a class to allow time to send your pre-class email.

Email me at with any questions.