What is Tinkergarten?

Nature Play with Vicky follows the tried and tested Tinkergarten curriculum. Beloved by families for over a decade, Tinkergarten have trained over 5,000 Tinkergarten teachers to deliver their unique child-centred approach to learning outdoors in over 50 States.

For families with young kids, spending purposeful time outside is more important than ever. To thrive in this dynamic world, children need outdoor play experiences that deliver the hands-on lessons, valuable social interactions, and restorative activity that can’t be gained from the tap of a screen. As parents, it’s our job to ensure they engage in these experiences early and often. But how?

While finding ways to create enriching outdoor moments is essential, it isn’t always easy. Getting outside might be a simple first step, but for a lot of us, knowing what to do next—and how to make it count— just doesn’t come naturally.

Tinkergarten helps families get outside to make the most of their kids’ early learning years. Designed by education experts, Tinkergarten's play-based outdoor curriculum guides parents in raising healthy, confident, and capable kids. Through live, weekly sessions, an at-home curriculum, and a rich learning community, Tinkergarten makes purposeful outdoor play doable for every family.

To learn more about Tinkergarten and to access high quality content designed to help families get outdoors in all four seasons follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and join their free parent community. You can also try a free DIY activity, and access a free online trial of their at home program, Tinkergarten Home*.

*Families who sign up to receive email updates from Nature Play with Vicky will receive a deep discount code to subscribe to Tinkergarten Home.